Vision • Experience • Commitment


My rates vary, depending on whether a client is casual; has committed to me by paying an annual retainer; or is a recognised charitable organisation that I would choose to support.  They also vary according to the size of a single project1.  All rates shown are in New Zealand dollars, exclusive of GST.


Std Hourly Rate

Min Hourly Rate


Casual Consultancy



80c per km

Large Project or Retainer-Paid Customer



60c per km or fixed2

Charitable Customer



60c per km or fixed2


The annual retainer is calculated based on a rate per site plus another rate per nominal supported user or staff member. (Negotiable.)


Per Site



Per User






1. A rate less than the standard hourly rate but not less than the minimum hourly rate may be applied at my discretion, depending on the type of work, size of contract and loyalty of the customer.


2. A fixed fee for travel may be negotiated. This will typically apply when travelling beyond the general Whanganui area. The km rate may form the basis for such a fee.


3. In general all direct costs will be charged to the customer at cost.


Copyright © 2019, Amba Limited, Whanganui, New Zealand. All Rights Reserved.